
Showing posts from March, 2018

How to Use Multimedia in the Classroom

Glazer, K. (n.d.). Literacy Daily. Retrieved March 29, 2018, from           classroom This article refers to several different ways to use multimedia in a classroom. When the author was trying to teach her students English as a second language, she used audio books to help her students follow along with the words and hear them spoken at the same time.  She used the website "Lit2Go" to find audio books for her students.   The author uses songs and music videos first during her unit on irony and then again for her unit on Romanticism.  A music video by The Band Perry demonstrates classic Romanticism symbols and students were able to watch and write down all the symbols they noticed.  The last tip the author gave was to show short clips from movies rather than the entire movie itself. Showing shorter clips allows fo...

How to Get the Most Out of Ed Tech Data

How to Get the Most Out of Ed Tech Data. (2017, February 21). Retrieved March 1, 2018, from This article discusses the ways to use data to assess ed tech. The author states that there are two types of tools used to determine the effectiveness of an ed tech program: digital tools and non-digital tools.  Digital tools would be gradebooks, Common Core assessments, or digital instruction tied to textbooks.  Non-digital tools would be student observations, in class projects, student journals, and in-class group discussions.  The author also brings up using evidence as a way to support what kind of ed tech programs or devices you are purchasing.  Forms of evidence could include personal experiences, marketing infographics, or other word of mouth reviews. Administrators and educators are using data to research ed tech programs.  The author states that there are three things to...